Fadhira while in police custody after being arrested he did biashra illegal to sell her body location of Khahumba in Morogoro eight hours a night, OFM, in collaboration with the police force Morogoro were endehs crackdowns capture machangudoa Morogoro after spy camp machngudoa of katiktaika Current urban renewal OFM inajipanga invade the edges of the city
In front of the entire leadership of the party Albino Morogoro is asked to provide details because he was arrested and later released into the newspapers doing business the market itself, jambon that fellow albino limewadharirisha
AFTER being caught Operations letmewatchthis Task Force disclose letmewatchthis Maovu'OFM 'is available letmewatchthis under the company's Global Publishers inayochapisha letmewatchthis print Transparency, Friday, Shooting Aman and ljumaawikienda Changudoa Albino Fadhira Omari time starts now will be released any supermarket and Tanzania Albino party
The move came after top officials of the party Albino Morogoro Region read one of the newspapers of Global Publishers yalioripiti information Albino man trapped camp machangudao of Khahumba region here at midnight she sold her body for the price of thousand shillings 7 each head. .
After reading the newspaper chairman of Albino Society Morogoro Mr David doctor search phone number of the writer of this information by calling the office party albino Morogoro, where among other things he applauded Task Force OFM to do a good job confronting evil.
"I congratulate very good work which you have done to capture Albino been sold I have called one for me is two things I ask all photos of the event and getting the second unisaidi Albino beg you who caught" the chairman said.
Author of OFM played those applications where the next day the entire leadership of the party Albinoa Morogoro region who also invited the author of Global Publishers's put a man between Fadhira who in his commentary he claimed he did the job after being abandoned by her husband yeza her three children who both have disabilities the skin.
Leading the governor planned to study, and then seek work in conjunction with serikari Fadhira refused the offer claiming that he has eye problems so it vanishes read and prayed cost of these studies should be used to try the shop which leadership was admitted to the Terms of Fadhira not to do again the same business selling her body.
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