Monday, July 21, 2014

Bede-i m. (Ar.

Borrowing is another word or linguistic unit, which is taken from another youtube broadcast yourself language youtube broadcast yourself and the language used. The need for social relationships brings speakers of languages in contact directly or indirectly with those of neighboring language or the language of the dominant culture that speakers. This relationship can be just as friendly and hostile. youtube broadcast yourself
a) By way of borrowing. - lexical borrowing can be direct or indirect, [1] ie, when direct are taken directly from another youtube broadcast yourself language,, from Slavic borrowings are direct, because they ruled in Kosovo and tried to influence the Albanian and reached their goal, but they are indirect loans when they come from another language to the appropriate language, youtube broadcast yourself, the Turkish borrowings Arabic youtube broadcast yourself words and the same his words have imposed Albanian language. youtube broadcast yourself These are known as indirect loans.
d) According to the overall value. - Borrowings lexical words can be divided into foreign and international concerned. International words are easily absorbed by, have taken place in the language faster and are therefore more stable.
Words taken from foreign languages have undergone phonetic and grammatical system of our language. Turkish words that we encounter in our daily speech and in writing entered as direct and indirect.
a) Most mobile for areas such as the scope of social relations, economic, administrative, war, urban planning, clothing, religion, cuisine, customs youtube broadcast yourself etc.. [3]
b) Many words sourced from Turkish to Albanian received the thrilling stylistic coloration (mostly aggravating) and some of them are stored in our vocabulary just for this coloration (eg, lazy, muzzle, extortionist, cannoneer, bargaining, taverns, rifle , worldly, youtube broadcast yourself etc..). [4]
From what was said above, it appears youtube broadcast yourself that lexical borrowings should be stratified according to their value in today's youtube broadcast yourself Albanian language. This means that the value of lexical borrowing in today's Albanian language revealed through comparison with English words and between historical observation of these borrowings. Attitudes of linguists for the presence of foreign words in another language is divided into two. The first think that enrich language borrowings, whereas for the latter, the words foreign language and thus spoil them have disposed of. Some of borrowed foreign words in Albanian have already taken their place. Many foreign youtube broadcast yourself words have become part of the Albanian vocabulary and replace them with other words is impossible, such as: health, city, page, pocket, tribe, oil, trees, master, pot, etc..
There is no doubt that the process of cleaning the tongue from borrowings in general, as well as Turkisms in particular, is a long and complicated. The problem of looking at this aspect requires constant effort to place in literary language only language they borrowed elements that give the opportunity expressive language, being associated with actual moments of thematic various literary genres.
In the novel "The Siege" old words used directly related to the topic addressed writer. Selected topics determined by the area of the old words such as: the military sphere, military units and weapons names, designations military positions, administrative, names of institutions, etc.. Find examples of this novel by the author historizmash used to provide environments typical example on page 8 can be read: "Ever onward looked like snow white flags of janissaries and their copper cauldron that is tied to a large tree. Knights of punitive youtube broadcast yourself troops, akënxhinjtë, being carried horses to drink small river. Further as an infinite multitude, expose the tents of the main infantry, youtube broadcast yourself and eshkynxhinjve azapëve. With close to me right after xhebelu Guard soldiers were placed on the assault battalions, elected youtube broadcast yourself bodies dallkëllëçëve (shpatëzhveshurve) and even elected bodies of soldiers serdengjeshtlerëve or death. [8]
According to the intentional use of obsolete youtube broadcast yourself words, they note that the author has more words in the language of the characters used to be characterized and individualized as characters that belong to a particular historical period.
Azap-i m. (Ar. azeb, Turkish. Azap) member youtube broadcast yourself of a weapon at the time of the Ottoman Empire. [14] A military class rregullshme under Ottoman rule. [15] Turkish loan is taken from Arabic, youtube broadcast yourself Albanian youtube broadcast yourself therefore considered as indirect loan.
Bede-i m. (Ar.> tour. Bede). Part wall, raised as tooth on a castle wall around, youtube broadcast yourself behind which protected fighters. [18] From Arabic into Turkish, and this in Albanian.
Bismillah, pasth. (Ar. b'ism'il-Lahi "in the name of God"> tour. Bismillah). Pronounced expression every once in early

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