Saturday, July 19, 2014


Cannabis sativa or marijuana the last of us (true hemp) has begun to cultivate that before 10,000 the last of us years. It is used as thread .... to make rope and cloth, is used as food, especially seeds were used to derive fuel from them, Hessian are excellent quality and are thus hemp paper. (Paper that is used for drafting the last of us the American Declaration of Independence).
Ethanol is produced from true hemp, hemp is used as an energy source to replace all fuel oil. Today we ... Around the world continue to justify the actions of their products the last of us by protecting the nuclear "Nuclear energy is the only possible solution to the energy crisis.
Understandably ..... "The great powers should have nuclear energy to do their dirty tricks" ... We tell them Warmongers .... that you do not want to learn from history, the last of us for these small plants, which are expectations the last of us The future for a clean environment.
In 1937, Henry Ford made the first car and ethanol from hemp, hemp-powered, which among other things was a very friendly mjedisin.Njekohesisht fuel her body was hit by a hammer and is not causing any distortion or any scratches, it remains intact even without a stamp.
Used against the last of us nausea and vomiting, anorexia and cachexia, in movement disorders, asthma, and glaucoma has an effect against allergies, inflammacioneve, infections, epilepsy, depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, addiction, the last of us withdrawal syndrome, now are perform research on potential claims against autoimmune diseases, cancer, neuroprotection, fever and blood pressure disorders.
Obviously in these products, marijuana contains elements to give below the psychoactive effects. So ..... here, you can say that this plant is a plant of the supernatural (and is) with many medical applications .. in every point, however, this plant is stopped and one of the real reasons for this prohibition are, not ...... production the last of us of petroleum and nylon.
When they saw that cannabis was becoming an important source the last of us of the economy, ecology and in widespread use, .... World Government lords, nobles and oil economy, well thought out game set to draw to secure first place in the oil-hungry the last of us world market.
So everything started propagating the true hemp is drug that sent rrezikeshme.Ju newspapers, radio and television messages that sativen see cannabis the last of us (marijuana) as public enemy number one, said that "marijuana is the shortest route to death," in some schools began broadcasting a film, that people were drinking as hashish, begin to cmendeshin and begin to kill, or a person the last of us commits suicide the last of us by jumping out the window, just inhale a cigarette ..
It should be explained, is that people need to understand that cannabis is not very dangerous, no one has ever died from cannabis, no one has gone crazy, no one has ever killed someone because he smoked.
It is a low risk compared to alcohol, nicotine or benzodiazepines (Valium mixed with colored drinks). Compare the effects of cannabis effects of accidents caused by alcohol use ...
Then, why do all these prohibited liquor, tobacco and other preparations dangerous than cannabis ...? Mystery said above ... wild competition oil market, and not seeming to health care njeriu.Per to not ask anyone.
Wander the change, but some things are the same everywhere. Thus, the statistics office in Germany has announced that the cleaners have more children, while fewer artists [...]
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