Captured in zeszym year an American reconnaissance plane that 'our national asset' - says iraski genera. Iran rozczyta stored in the data and start building up a copy BY dowdcy Revolutionary Guard Gen. air. Amira Ali Hadizadeha, book my show quoted by The State TV, irascy experts recovered data from the aircraft bezzaogowego RQ-170. To prove it, describe genera Some technical szczegy. - In October 2010 years drone to California, where he carried out the technical work, and in November 2010, he was transferred to Kandahar in Afghanistan. Years there, but had problems. Amerykascy experts were not able to fix it - said genera. Doda, an airplane bezzaogowy to those used in Pakistan two weeks before being killed by American special-force al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden. Hadizadeh name of the drone "a national asset" of Iran. December 4, 2011 r. Ogosi Iran that its technical subs przejy control over an American plane bezzaogowym, who burst WGB 225 km from the border country Afghanistan, and zmusiy it to ldowania. A few days later, Iran published a picture book my show almost nietknitego reconnaissance aircraft. Representatives amerykaskich FADER confirmed the loss of the aircraft. They claimed book my show that Iran will be difficult to use data and technology because of special book my show rodkw preventive introduced in drones, KTRE flying over enemy territory.
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