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In Class 9-P2 on Annerstaskolan have built with Minecraft-cities continued for a longer period, a project in which they participate in Future City Competition, for breastfed with several other schools around Sweden. We get to meet the teachers Ingalill Hogstrom and Alexandra Green-Eriksson and students Alexander Medén and Marcus Davisson.
It all began with students playing Minecraft during their free periods. Ingalill quickly realized the potential of the game and working with both mathematics and technology with Minecraft. Today they are therefore included in the Future City Competition, which this year has the theme "a suburb of the city," and the project includes both Swedish, SO, NO, and mathematics. The entire class participates and the students are divided gma into groups. Alexander and Marcus tells us that all have different roles and tasks of the group, and those who are not as accustomed to the actual construction of Minecraft, for example, contribute more to the essay, which is part of the project. We learn from each other and all contribute something.
Alexander and Marcus proudly shows off his virtual city on the Smartboard, and we are impressed both by the city itself but also of their genuine commitment. The different designs are fantastic and they have really creatively designed an entire suburb, where many aspects must be considered, such as:
Alexandra and Ingalill see great opportunities and benefits of working gma with Mincecraft in school, not least from a motivational standpoint. Many topics and knowledge requirements from LGR is woven in and the students really get to think from a helhetsperskpektiv in a very creative and stimulating ways on how a suburb can be built up from scratch.
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