Monday, June 30, 2014

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23.08.2012 cancan 04:53 Post Print Post as a PDF to this topic Reply to top of page scroll to the bottom of this page a post up a post jump down jump
Post / a violations Report 23.08.2012 05:54 Print this Post Post as a PDF to this topic Reply to top of page scroll to the bottom of this page a post up a post jump down jump
Good morning cancan waiting outside, it is now radiator, beautiful fresh air -------------------------------- @ Cupcake Of course it makes a difference whether one pays more or less into the pension fund, but whether - given the situation of the pension fund - so really makes a difference dare I even doubted, since mu is retirement planning then already more private . Until You're going into retirement, there is most likely only the standard pension. Fixed working days, there is nothing about it in your employment contract? In Permanent changing working hours it will be difficult with a 400, - euro job, but even that is negotiable. I dignity just ask the boss if it's possible that you'll have a day is not used during the week. Cleaning eg for stairway cleaning is usually always because the times are freely agreed. I schliee Sabines question to "what" because it has become? ----------------------------- Today is again a Groeinkauf of which is complicated by the fact that my daughter-four hours fail, because mu I hurry me. Love Gre Lena
Post / a violations Report 23.08.2012 07:33 Print this Post Post as a PDF to this topic Reply to top of page scroll to the bottom of this page a post up a post jump down jump
Good morning, Buddy, Congratulations on the little nephew Lady, Glckwunsch to new car, but I mchte also like to know, what is it you become is not too much, even to go to work by the way? Homework wre there certainly better, so you knnte also your friend access times under the arms, but you do not find a lot of space and good homework is not so easy. I did this some years ago made for a publisher, my advantage was that the family was able to help and I had the place bentigten DAFR, but it was a schnes extra money for us. Now I knnte not more, I also wsste do not know when I was still way to make a 400 job, on a 12 hour day. Today Sohnemann's birthday and DAFR Yesterday I paved the way and a lot about it to me a bit of the cake is burnt yesterday I had meatballs and potato salad prepared the cake slumbered in the oven. Until then, everything was good, but then came a young Prchen who had actually ms 17 Clock logged in to view a couch and 6 chairs, but they came later to some. My landlord had this furniture and wanted to throw the one I had then suggested that I the hiring on ebay classifieds and he did not mind. DAFR I then almost doing nothing but sometimes just deserves fr 150 fr things that he wanted to throw away, there was nothing in it, the furniture looked even really nifty and has the Prchen cancan rejoiced genuine. Well, about it that they were there to see to look at the furniture, I forgot the cake in the oven and the top layer was slightly singed, I've then cut away and a Schokog

Sunday, June 29, 2014

This entry was posted on October 25, 2013, 07:27 and is filed under Catholicism. You can follow any

Francis Pearl of the day: All the baptized are called to follow the path of sanctification. It is impossible to be Christians who stop half way. In every life there is a "before" and "after" Jesus, because Jesus has wrought in us a "new creation." video one Task of Christians is to endorse them with his life.
This entry was posted on October 25, 2013, 07:27 and is filed under Catholicism. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently video one closed.
Since he has somehow right. I'm video one also from forcibly baptized come "before" to "after" and the joint creation will be a society in which religion is where it belongs: in the corner of all Huschi-Fuschi along with homeopathy and all the other Esoquatsch; but ridiculed tolerated as long as it is done in-Gehöchnis.
We just hear but what about Jesus in the Book of Revelation in the epistle to the church at Laodicea vs. tepid Christianity speaks and how strongly he's talking to you personally and to the conscience warns you:
Write this letter to the angel of the church in Laodicea. That is the message of the one who is the Amen - the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God's creation: 15 I know everything you're doing and that you are neither video one hot nor cold. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 But since you are like lukewarm Wasser3, I will spit you out of my mouth! 17 You say, "I am rich. I have everything I want. I do not need anything! "And video one you do not notice that you're pathetic and pitiable and poor and blind and naked. 18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold purified in the fire. Then you will be rich. And also buy white garments so that you may clothe yourself, and do not have to be ashamed because of your nakedness. And buy ointment for your eyes so you can see. 19 Whom I love, I rebuke and educate him sternly. Do not remain indifferent, but to return! video one 20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with. 21 I'll anyone who is victorious invite to sit with me on my throne, just as I was victorious and sat down with my Father on his throne. 22 Those who are willing to hear, listen to what the Spirit says to the churches!
"Let us hear what Jesus Just in the epistle to the church at Laodicea vs. lukewarm Christianity speaks about in the Book of Revelation and how strongly he's talking to you personally and to the conscience warns you!" video one
"Think not that I am come to send peace on earth. I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against the mother, and the daughter with her mother in law. "(Mt 10:34-35) video one
@ Hs: That you have but now completely out of context. In the complete context is quite clear that that was absolutely not meant as you picture it now, yes, it's even absolute pacifist, oberempathisch and has to do with lots of love. Me and my Bible study group have decided so! Basta!
@ Hs: This is already clear to me. I would just like to understand how toni always comes to these passages. Does he have somewhere a random number generator that outputs him a belibige place? Somehow, this will then allow you to customize. And if not, it's just interpretation video one thing!
The reader itself seeks and finds the connection, because the human brain is designed. Therefore, the authors of the scriptures of all religions also write as a mix of Fortune and Horoscope garbage that always fits and stays in the memory stick like glue. Only when one of the partially hypnotic effect of these texts escaped by intellectuals and the whole distance questioned, falling apart, the verbiage and there remains only a stale taste. But Toni feels comfortable in his borrowed security, therefore we leave it there, it can always believe what he wants, video one but I'll video one never believe what he wants.
A diluted Christianity? Christianity has never learned to swim properly. Christianity only serves to prevent independent thinking and to draw people the wool over my eyes. It depends video one not Jesus on the cross but a needle-Gelter "Holy Spirit" to hell come out, protected by the state and supported, for ever, Amen!
Since a few days I'm reading bible quote studded sermons by a pastor / priest / preacher named TONI. The rob me of my precious time, because, us Deschner not decades already proven that the Bible ver at least one-third again

Friday, 03/16/2007 15 clock ... Departure to Tequisquiapan! Oly had Rosa Maria rented homes to cele

Coyacan .... Frida Kahlo, hippi mercado Pink Floyd ... vale la pena chido Cholula ... or visiting Tepenapa ... Tequisquiapan .. pool party in a high stability sense ... Xochimilco and SexEXPO maize price increases and excursions to the countryside Puebla From Mezcal to Antro Gay In Spanish course you will not only learn Spanish! pink Yucatán links Czech
Friday, 03/16/2007 15 clock ... Departure to Tequisquiapan! Oly had Rosa Maria rented homes to celebrate his birthday! It was, as i mmer afternoon, an animal heat, when we left! I had packed my backpack, wohlwissentlich with many warm sweaters for the night ... the last time I had just froze the A. ... We collected Olys sister and her friend on the way, and then came but only against pink 20,30 o'clock in Tequisquiapan because pink we had to buy more :-) Olys parents were up early evening and had a bit ever aired, and the like! Arrived we were cheerfully greeted by two schnauzers! That is all except me, me they did not know and that is I was first attacked ;-( Olys parents pink are two very friendly Mexis, still relatively young (50 .. and with a son of 30), the us all from end with funny stories chatted So we celebrated quite calm and relaxed in Olys birthday in! C & A gifts here are full hip brand goods :-) I have noticed pink again and again o f how unlocked the Mexicans are happy ... what every over .. and for a people! You never feel like a stranger! There were Olys parents who animated to dance every, the oldies had pretty stuff on it! The next day, still a good three dozen friends from Oly each of which, each one a bottle of vodka had arrived here :-) That was a merry by night ... :-), with good music, excellent Mexican Barbecue! failed Zito aka Adriano, Charlie and Oly Jorge and his pregnant pink wife Deyanira Zito, Valeria (Olys sister) and Illali night at the pool Olys mother told me every single recipe and oh man ... quite picante (spicy), because: of law smooth my voice! Later there was dancing, splash pink around and chill in the pool! The more the alcohol, however, waned, the melancholy were the people to some of the boys finally pink broke out in tears ... uiui. The next day a joint trip was planned with all the Peña de Bernal, who, it should be otherwise, is from the village of Bernal on the edge and about half an hour drive away from Tequis. (You see him but heard of Tequis!) Peña de Bernal, the third largest monolith in the world. Monolith incidentally means as much as all of a piece or stone! Mountains consist of many individual monoliths ... in short, these are the third biggest rock in the world! It is estimated that it is 100 million years old and at that time was 3 times as large as today! The three of us decided to climb the monolith! Besides the fact that it was super hot and full, the whole really was fun! Has me a bit of this stone sea reminded that I climbed with 9, hoping my grandparents at the "summit" to be found, the trail was, however, extended only up to half. I started at that time with two other girls my age, one of which injured a the foot and the therefore reversed halfway, so I did all alone sitting at the highest point of this rocky landscape, with little tears in his eyes and for hours waiting for someone to pick me up! My grandma is probably almost pink died of fear on that day and they sent the fire department going to look for me! So I heard sometime my name through a speaker! On this day, I drove the first and only time in the fire truck! Well it was there to climb definitely great fun high, and unfortunately, I am, for the purpose of inadequate footwear, slipped on the way down and I übelst the foot sprained have! And then we also had to take the wrong way back which was longer than the other and especially stony! :-( The guys have me down worn half. I have the foot then deep cooled directly with ice and worried me a ointment and NEN union! pink Then after half an hour's drive, I really could not occur and we decided times but rather to the doctor go! Since it was Sunday, of course, no doctor had opened and after we were hergeschippert pink half an hour behind the TouriTram, we finally found a hospital. A hospital that was supposed to have always loudly door plate, ... only on this day it was closed! ... So we were told there were three hospitals, all in this area ... so we therefore investigated pink the second ... where there was only a gynecologist present ... yes you can get someone a child! Despite the pain I had to laugh, well that I am not Notfa

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Stand: 28.06.2014 07:44

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Hello Illka, hello bubble car! Now I'm al jazeera so again only 3 posts! But even now not care. I am now on the website read, and apparently the connection between porn addiction and impotence is more important than I thought. Some guys there describe exactly the same problems that I have! Will now live porn abstinent, and report my Erfahrugen times! Gre, slatko
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Stand: 28.06.2014 07:44
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Friday, June 27, 2014

One of the most important architects of the planned Berlin-Brandenburg Airport (BER) was obviously

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The talk of austerity and debt reduction filelist was worthless from the start. Who still speaks today of the first much-vaunted 20 per cent clause in fiscal pact? A comment from members of parliament Klaus-Peter Willsch (CDU). more
U.S. President Barack filelist Obama has announced to strengthen the support for moderate opposition forces in Syria. "These funds will help to defend the Syrian people," said a spokeswoman for the National Security Council. Russia feared an escalation of the conflict. more
Due to lack of personnel to run in Berlin thousands of convicted criminals around freely. About half of the suspended arrest warrants is older than a year. This emerges from a response of the Chief Public Prosecutor. more
In no country in the world will now be fought so fiercely about whether national feelings at all "go" as in Germany. But the World Cup seems to do something like open a valve. A commentary by JF-Editor in Chief Dieter Stein. more
A day after the Sudan death row Christian woman, Mariam Ibrahim Yahia Ishag was released surprisingly, it has been re-arrested. Ishag was sentenced in mid-May in Khartoum due to "apostasy from Islam" to death by hanging and 100 lashes. more
One of the most important architects of the planned Berlin-Brandenburg Airport (BER) was obviously an imposter. According to a report by the magazine Stern of the 52-year old designer of the inoperable smoke extraction system was not an engineer, but had only one conclusion as a draftsman. more
Russia's President Vladimir Putin has called on the Federation Council to revoke permission for military operations in Ukraine. This is "in the interests of a normalize the situation," Putin explained his step. more
The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) has an employee on leave because of a Facebook filelist comment. He had been critical of the integration of Africans in Germany. filelist more
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The right-wing parties in the European Parliament to Geert Wilders and Marine Le Pen, it is not initially filelist able to form a common fraction. Background are disputes over the inclusion of the Polish "Congress of the New Right". Wilders refuses to cooperate filelist with the party strictly. more
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Thursday, June 26, 2014

This entry was posted on Saturday, November 06, 2010 at 20:30 and is filed under Bauch Beine Po. Wi

How do I get cellulite away? | Belly legs butt exercises
Hello! Although I am only 13 and very thin, but still have a little cellulite. I have used with a Cellulite Roller and butt exercises gemacht.Das has helped, but it is still not quite weg.Ich know that this will not go away completely but a bit who is not bad ^ ^ In addition, I would like to have advice on how. you stretch marks wegbekommt.Die I am Po and I find it nciht beautiful and wants them gone! LG katinka
This entry was posted on Saturday, November 06, 2010 at 20:30 and is filed under Bauch Beine Po. With the RSS 2.0 feed You can follow any responses to this article. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. 8 Responses selena gomez to "How do I get cellulite away?"
There are of Vichy in the pharmacy as a really great gel (Vichy LIPOCURE) that helps but really good is not cheap at just under 25. Used it and it helps me
So you get cellulite is not completely gone, but you can reduce it by healthy ernärung, much sport (especially po - exercises) at least 3 times a week and straffungsgels engeblich should also help ... well I'm doing sports and it is okay eig ...
Hi, I'm 16 and have the same problem as you ... also have stretch marks on po and thigh, and am also quite slim ('m 1,80 meters tall, maybe because I've grown so fast? ^ ^) So theoretically selena gomez helps regular sport ( eg 4 times a week 1 hour each) and healthy eating (drinking a lot! but only water and unsweetened teas, such as for example peppermint green tea, fruit tea) I know viiiiiiiel easier said than done! :-/
PS: if you should make the make: guys find it prop net even so bad, they usually do not notice selena gomez it once (so if you hold your butt not directly in his face ^ ^) it is also quite natural and feminine! !
So, dear Katinka: These inlets unfortunately you can not get away. I've also done a lot so against mine. That is probably what has meant an outpost of me cracked skin is cracked skin. You can compare this expansion strip scars. Sure, it does not look absolutely great. But there are much worse! selena gomez Especially during puberty often go out onto the dive because the chest and the hips apart like yeast dough * laugh *. And that pretty quickly. Because it can happen that the skin tears. Because guys you should selena gomez go there not to worry. Most know that the really very many women (and men do) and go quite reasonable order. The guys at your age you should not take it seriously, who have no idea of something and are not even in puberty. In which places a known until later. The are you only understand when they are struggling with their own little problems first. As for the cellulite problem: This has nothing to do with you with superfluous body weight, because I'm slim and have unfortunately still a bit of cellulite. Cellulite is among other things selena gomez hormonal. On Wikipedia you can you inform about it a little. And do not be irritated from the fact that it says that obese women can get before the age of 25. If you say that you are very thin, you can be seriously overweight yes; ) Let you there persuade nothing. I've also even before 25 although I was slim, and still am. Using creams, ointments selena gomez or other cosmetic treatments, you can not fight the cellulite unfortunately announce, because the enemy is in a deeper skin structure. That is on Wikipedia. selena gomez
If so, then please do not do sports, but simply butt firming exercises that you burn any fat. For since you anyway selena gomez "very thin" are, you should not lose weight but actually increase. Very thin women are in fact far uglier than women with cellulite. Orange skin is actually pretty tame in contrast to underweight. I liked the way someone straight to massage the affected selena gomez area with such a rather rough glove ('ll ask in a drugstore or a pharmacy in accordance). That should help. Just check it. I have not tried it yet because it is not always bad for me and I can live with it; )
Lots of love and please listen not to the people you rate to drive 4x or so a week sport. Except it is sports such as tennis or volleyball, which also makes you more fun and pleasure serves as the beauty craze.
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After several weekends away from Quito, I decided again to stay at home. So I made me a gammligen a

After several weekends away from Quito, I decided again to stay at home. So I made me a gammligen and cozy Saturday. On Sunday I did then still do something, so I went along with Jorge, who is to visit straight from Guayaquil with his cousin, again on the teleferico. Actually, we had planned to make about 3 hour hike to the summit. But first we rented horses and rode about a good forty minutes. But then the weather was very bad, it started to rain and hail, so we decided to turn back.
During the week, something happened surprising. 1 Just as we were on the way from the Fundación came home a child with two small puppies started. He had found her in a Plasticksack by the way. Someone has probably exposed to die. Everyone was so excited about the dogs, but no one knew exactly 1 what to do with it. One of the two was very weak and both pretty 1 cool. We volunteers decided they only times to take with us to the apartment in order to prop up. Marco by Fundación wanted nothing to do with it, because they already have two dogs and have no place and no time for more.
We took them so and they warmed up on a blanket. Google told us that we should not feed cow's milk, extra-special puppy milk or baby milk. We asked in every shop in the neighborhood, but all looked at each other in astonishment and asked why we want to probably buy baby milk powder. So there was nothing left for us to feed as still boiled 1 cow's milk. Better than nothing, it was probably. Every two hours they had to be fed and so we took turns in order to get up at night. But we all knew that so can not go. We all do not have the time to leave us so intensely in order to take care of and on the weekends we are anyway almost never in Quito. We had to find another solution.
So Gulla and I made our way the next morning in the city with the puppy in his luggage. The goal was to deliver it to the vet and give up for adoption or to the shelter. On the way we asked all the neighbors if they do not want two puppies or about had a bitch that could give the puppy milk. All denied. So we went to the vet. On the way we met a man who was so enthusiastic about the pooch that he immediately wanted to take one for his son home. He accompanied us to the vet. This said, it was not possible for him to keep the dogs and if we want them up for adoption we would have in the north of the city, quite far from us. But we had no time, we had to go back to work. The doctor said the chance 1 of survival is small to very small without a mother, they were still not a week old. He explained that the care is about as intense as that of a baby. The man who accompanied us thought better of it concerning the semi differently and wanted but none more. We talked a long time about a solution, but it just seemed to be no. We could not keep it real. So the vet suggested to euthanize them. It seemed to us that the best solution. So they did not have to suffer at least and it is not long so agonizing as to freeze and starve in a Plasticksack. 1 It did us but incredibly 1 sorry for the pooch! Here understands but hardly anyone, because there are so many dogs here in the neighborhood, two more or less, what does it it matter ...
The next weekend was a three-day Easter weekend. Louise Gulla and I went on Thursday night going to Puerto Lopez to the coast. 1 From there we visited the next day Machallila National Park. Three beautiful beaches. The weather was not super sunny, but not so hot. But it was better than it may look in the photos!
That's where we took a moto taxi. The ride was fun and had the driver and also drive in each case together with him. When we returned, he organized a proper "motorbike" and showed us how to ride him, with gears and so on! What a fun! All alone I was able to cruise through Puerto Lopez, past the police officers 1 did not care on ..: D The Moto taxi .. I drive while driving on :)
In the evening we drank a cocktail then cozy on the beach and when we were on the way home, Luise stürtze stupid over the pavement edge and sprained her for the second time this month, the same ankle. She sat weeping 1 by the roadside and around us formed a huge crowd of people. Even the police were there. A man said that he knew a woman who could heal and so it was that we suddenly sat in the police car and drove with blue light to this woman. She lived in a very simple house with a tin roof, which by small dark Gässche

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Root and the sky above Asturias crying. Twenty-one clock and dark outside. The view from my window

Root and the sky above Asturias crying. Twenty-one clock and dark outside. The view from my window I have in my head, black and white, fff in recordings in series. Welcome hug, pretzels idea and delivery for Irene, chapuzón in the sea, laughter, Juro photos, stroll on the market, no me entiende, no me entiende, Zehringe for smiling feet, dancing, tea lights at dinner, laughing, ambulation on the seafront promenade, full of patience sack, Driving, Kaffeepäuschen, deep conversations, Jagdt after Cutre-bars, entering menacing-looking streets, laughter, church tower climb, all the bathrooms in all rivers, bathroom floods, Super Bock orders, laughter, parking, (mis) understandings, we are lost! !, minifalda azul, não, Rießen-Tostas without jam-they can not do it, really, pigeon fear, laughter, Piki-extra-care, fff finding the unconscious, Ciudad Rodrigo, ointment for bites of the hazardous Bichos, storing and entrainment of postage pretzels despite failure, sim, Jorge Luis Borges, laughter, self-fulfilling prophecies, football games, fff muy agile, the Dutch and the world Azeitonas fff bowls negotiation, las tierras, las tierras, las tierras de España, Xxxflecke :-)), cubiletes, Plant, missed call. In the near future the following fff updated photo
"Slay not the beauty fff of this time with the clock, it is the most beautiful of life, which is why most people die in it. It is the time in the night to go is getting ready, and the day is not yet fully arrived. The color by night, it tastes after morning. I called this time once Nachmorg, and this name is mysterious as they are ". Rafik Shami

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

DRC! Hola! Well a week has already passed, that we are in Mexico and we have supplied a large numbe

DRC! Hola! Well a week has already passed, that we are in Mexico and we have supplied a large number of patients. Yesterday on Sunday we drove to Filipe to visit there in the area, the Mayans and to provide medical assistance. Yesterday we had a bit of time by the change of sites and were able to visit the Mayan Temple in Coba. However, doctors can not leave and even in front of the main temple of the Maya Bee in German vlc means patients were examined it. I'm vlc very sorry, but yesterday we arrived very late in Filipe and the internet cafes have not opened here on Sunday. Therefore, I am writing to you today a little more. So Filipe is a very touristic village and looks at first glance very developed. If you leave the nice landscaped village square, the poverty of this village can be seen quickly. Therefore, many can not afford a doctor and we hope we can provide all patients. Yesterday we finally got gain and a group of about 35 Americans are together the area medical vlc aid to Filipe us. We are very grateful for this help as well so we have more people who can reach our help. This morning celebrated the resident bishop, Jorge Bernal LC the show for us and thanked us for our help, we are doing through the medical care of his diocese. Our drug and Equitement of dentists was divided and we arrived after 1.5 hours in our destination. For medical studies helped us to church disposal and thanks to many helpers on site everything was ready on arrival and we were able to immediately begin treatment. Especially often the children had lice today. Approx. 95% of children had lice and unfortunately vlc we do not have lice treatment agents here and we advised the families to wash their hair with vinegar water .. We hope that it will help somewhat, but the families have not the possibility of all infested items we stuffed animals, blankets etc. so to wash as we might in Germany. Also, all participants were examined after today for lice, so we do not take these to the other villages tomorrow. A special case of today was a 2.5 year old girl who. Due to a muscle strain in the central nervous system, which is why they can not run We have the mother strongly advised to go to a specialist and your child to be there again examine, as we unfortunately could not help her. Today was a day where we had a lot of diseases and we hope that we can help many people. In particular, many patients had today the gynecologist Andre Devos the additional vlc hours after patients we studied who came to Ulterschall. Another special feature was a 78 year old man who has n his life seen a doctor for the first time and glueckllich with glasses went home at the end of the day. Furthermore, today we had a little 4 year old boy with a severe eye infection and we fortunately had an antibiotic ointment and we hope that this will go away soon Augenentzüngung. Our pediatric nurse Maren had today with our senior vlc doctor Gabor Egervari many children with further mentioned lice an d skin diseases. Today we've covered nearly 8 hours and patients were going in 21.30 Filipe and we hope that we will work together with the American group evening sophistication. Tomorrow we will again leave early to Maya and hope that we can help there too many patients. I'm very sorry that the blog were in the last days is not always so regular, but I think that shows us and them in the environment vlc we are diie straight. However, I hope that it will work better in the next few days. Hope to see you tomorrow! They sleep well or if they are already up for the seven hours time difference, they have a nice rest day.
2009 (19) November (1) Nov 12 (FIG. 1) March (8) Mar 25 (1) Jun 10 (1) Jun 07 (1) Jun 06 (1) Mar 05 (1 ) Mar 04 (1) Jun 03 (1) Mar 02 (1) DRC! Hola! Well a week has already passed ... February (9) February 28 (1) February 26 (1) February 25 (1) February 24 (1) February 23 (1) February 22 (1 ) February 21 (1) February 18 (1) February 12 (1) January (1) January 16 (1)

The efficacy of capsaicin cream (

How effective are selected medication from the pharmacy? Is there convincing ps4 data on the efficacy of herbal medicines? When to natural remedies work? As it is with the effects of vitamins and minerals? The following contributions Rate medicines ps4 and natural remedies on the basis of recent scientific publications.
Can a topical preparation with capsaicin relieve chronic pain in neuropathic and musculoskeletal diseases? Background capsaicin is applied externally as a cream or patch for the treatment of chronic neuropathic pain. Even with muscle ps4 pain and muscle tension especially ps4 at the cervical ps4 and lumbar spine is capsaicin used. Capsaicin, an ingredient of cayenne pepper, binds to the pain receptors in the skin and temporarily reduces the density of nerve fibers. After prolonged local application on the skin produces ps4 a lasting desensitization. Capsaicin is as 0.025-0.075% cream (use 3-4 times / day) or as 8% sodium patch for single use in trade (brand name such as: Finalgon Capsicum cream, hot thermal dura C, Qutenza ). What is neuropathic pain? Neuropathic pain is a pain that is triggered or caused by lesions ps4 or dysfunction of the nervous system. In neuropathic pain, therefore the pain-conducting system itself is faulty. The herpes zoster related postherpetic neuralgia is one of the neuropathic pain. Trigeminal neuralgia is a prototype of neuropathic ps4 pain. Also, the phantom pain after amputation belongs to this group. Even herniated discs can sometimes lead to neuropathic ps4 pain in the long term. What diseases are among the musculoskeletal diseases? In Germany, around ps4 30 million people suffer from the so-called musculoskeletal disorders, which in addition to osteoarthritis ps4 and osteoporosis back pain, rheumatic diseases, and sports and accident injuries. Meta-analyzes on the effectiveness of capsaicin early as 2004, were in a meta-analysis of 16 trials involving 1559 patients analyzed in terms of the effectiveness of capsaicin (1). Among the diseases in which topical capsaicin had proven in placebo-controlled trials to be effective, including diabetic neuropathy, postherpetic neuropathy which, postoperative ps4 pain and Guillain-Barré syndromes. In some controlled studies, ps4 the pain in the capsaicin group compared with placebo ps4 could be reduced significantly, ps4 both after 4 and after 8 weeks treatment. In the follow-up showed that the analgesic effect lasted on average an additional 4 to 8 weeks. ps4 The results of this meta-analysis confirm an already published in 1994 review article on the efficacy of capsaicin (1).
The efficacy of capsaicin cream (<1%) was re-evaluated in 2012 in a Cochrane meta-analysis (3). The analysis was based six studies ps4 (389 participants in total), in which the regular use of low-dose (0.075%) capsaicin cream was compared with placebo cream. There were significant differences in the results, probably as a consequence of the small number of patients and different pain conditions which were investigated. Also, the studies were different definitions of "clinical success" is based. Only two studies included data based on the internationally accepted primary endpoint of at least 50% pain relief. According to the authors, the study did not have sufficient data to draw any firm conclusions on the effectiveness of low concentrations of capsaicin cream in the treatment of neuropathic pain. The present data suggest that topical capsaicin in low concentration has no significant additional effect on the with the placebo cream observable effect also. According to the authors, it is unlikely that topical capsaicin useful applications in clinical practice would have a low concentration (3). In another Cochrane review article from the year 2013 on the efficacy of high-dose capsaicin (8%) in neuropathic pain six trials ps4 involving 2073 participants were analyzed (4). The studies ps4 were generally of good methodological quality. To maintain blinding was used as a control treatment, a very low-concentration topical capsaicin. In four of these studies ps4 with a total of 1,272 patients were treated Postzosterschmerzen. In all studies, highly concentrated capsaicin (8% strength) was significantly better than the control application. Both after 8 and 12 weeks, there was much or very much better than in the control group, significantly more patients treated with capsaicin. E

Monday, June 23, 2014

The Ouch gel Kneipp I could use good, since I live in the age 2years 4 grandchildren - have 6years,

Past-Beat the Aua-gel Kneipp | Kira1407
Today it is finally ready to my blog the first lottery starts in cooperation with Kneipp and I may give away something really great. Through a friend I've come to a great Kneipp product that is actually suitable primarily for children from 3 years. This is the Aua-gel. The Ouch-Gel is a product of natural child-series of Kneipp and supports the skin with minor injuries such as abrasions, scuffs or minor burns in healing. Through the active ingredients Aloe Vera and Witch Hazel, culioneros the skin is covered with a protective film that provides the skin with moisture, thus contributing to regeneration. The Ouch-gel culioneros is in a 20 ml tube and costs 3.49 in the online store of Kneipp. I have the same 2 tubes of it concerned a I carry in my purse with me and the other we are at home. And not only for small injuries in Luca, I use it. Although Jorge and I complain about a little ouch it is used. I have Luca the story read aloud to the Aua-gel on the back and when I apply it and also happen to blow, then the pain is quickly forgotten and the roar can continue. And because culioneros we are totally thrilled with all of us here from the practical tube, I want to give 6 of my readers the chance to test it. Simply leave a comment, for whom the Aua-gel would be and how I could reach you in case of winning. It features I would of course about sharing and if your friends about it says, but that's not a must. The sweepstakes runs until July 31 and on August 1, I give the 6 winners will be announced. culioneros In case of winning you are agree that you will Notably culioneros published on my blog. So and now the decision is final and the comments are open. Have fun and good luck!
Hello Kira, nice raffle. I would like to use for my kids, especially our son, husband, since he wound healing is delayed (by a freak of nature). So far, we always use Fenistil Wundheilgel. Would like to ausprobireen something else.
Great action. Know not the gel. My dwarf but it can make good use because he is just learning on the run and still very wobbly :-)
Divided I once here:
Of course I would use it for my "Tupperware Baby", ie for Finni ... I just try my luck You know how and where you can reach me I'm culioneros curious GVLG Ivonne
The ouch gel fend exactly perfect for my little 3 year old daughter because she does so constantly ouch'm reader and I would totally culioneros about it you can reach me by email
Constanze Adrian says:
I have two broken pilots who actually fly at least once a day with the knee on the asphalt culioneros or intersect on leaves (and the bruises we are long gone). And since we are very happy with the extremely dry skin my children great Kneipp Kneipp fans because of the compatibility of the products, but the Aua-gel could not test, we would like to do it now.
Since the time of the shorts has come, Fiona has quite a lot of Auas (scratches, scraped knees) daily. Would be interested to know whether the Aua-gel is good, because paving stay here more than a few minutes.
July 22, 2013 at 16:02
Such a beautiful action for our small, which I find really great! I love to try my luck for our clumsy son of man, in which the AUA-gel would be to use almost daily
[...] The deadline for the first lottery on my new blog. To win gave e yes 6 ml, the Aua-gel culioneros Kneipp culioneros and I want you now like to announce the 6 lucky winners. At this point, would [...]
The Ouch gel Kneipp I could use good, since I live in the age 2years 4 grandchildren - have 6years, the real bullies are small and from time to time a few scratches abrasions also say pull what badly hurts.
You may use these HTML tags and attributes: <a href="" title=""> <abbr title=""> <acronym title=""> <b> <blockquote cite=""> <cite> culioneros <code> < del datetime = ""> <em> <i> <q cite=""> <strike> <strong> culioneros
Susanne Hummel: Hi Kira, yes I find cute too, have me latest posts all round Clean and Pure with NUK The Mummy Box from April 2014 In Love with Jadie Luca's new daycare bag Product Review: Kitchenette v

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Today (June 23, Monday) Indonesia Open 8:00 (BWF) ITTF Challenger, Ochsenhausen 8:30 (ITTF) Super8, Tournament 4 9:00 (World Bowls Tour) ATP Challenger, naruto Padova 10:00 (ATP Challenger Tour) Grand Slam, Berlin 11:00 (FIVB) ATP Challanger, Marburg 12:00 (ATP Challenger Tour) England - Sri Lanka 12:00 (Test) Wimbledon 12:30 (Grand Slam Tournament) Lucie Safarova - Julia Goerges 1-0 14: 30 (Grand Slam Tournament) A.Behar / V.Mirzadeh - F.Chipolla naruto / P.Starache 14:30 (ATP Challenger Tour) Antonio Veic - A.Karacev naruto 14:30 (ATP Challenger Tour) Pahang - Perak 14:30 ( Malayan Cup) Jeremy Chardy - Daniel Cox 14:40 (Grand Slam Tournament) Jaroslav Pospisil - N.Basilashvili 14:50 (ATP Challenger Tour) Kevin Anderson - Aljaz Bedene 15:05 (Grand Slam Tournament) Marcos Baghdatis - Dustin Brown 15: 10 (Grand Slam Tournament) Kurumi Nara - Anna-Lena Friedsam 1:0 15:20 (Grand Slam Tournament) Shakhtar Dn - Karabakh 0:0 16:00 (Friendly Match) Grigor Dimitrov - Ryan Harrison 0-0 16:00 (Grand Slam Tournament) Venus Williams - Maria-Teresa Torro-Flor 0:0 16:00 (Grand Slam Tournament) David Ferrer - Pablo Carreno-Busta 1:0 16:00 (Grand Slam Tournament) Thomaz Bellucci - R.Rodriges-Pase 1 : 0 16:00 (ATP Challenger Tour) Gianluca Naso - Maxime Teixeira 0-0 16:00 (ATP Challenger Tour) R.Maytin / A.Molteni - D.Beretta / S.Galdos naruto 16:00 (ATP Challenger Tour) Na Li - Paula Kania 0:0 16:30 (Grand Slam Tournament) naruto H.Podlipnik-Kastilo - Henri Laaksonen 16:40 (ATP Challenger Tour) Show All - Football Live Stream Real Madrid - Real Betis Spanish Primera Division. On 18 August 2013 at 21:00. Odds This is an archived transmission. Upcoming broadcasts can be found here Result 2:1 (1:1). Highlights Goal (0:1) Goal (1:1) Goal (2:1) Highlights 1st Half 2nd Half time To leave comments, you have to register or login. You will not be informed about new comments (Why?)
Durengo 18 August, 22:57 Durengo The next day then falls to the bag without pain from easy. Durengo 18 August, 22:52 Sepp testicles puller There is an ointment. The courage you leave on. The next day it is better. Madrileno naruto 18 August, 22:50 YES! VICTORY Good night people 54, 74, 90, 2014 (Schalker_Markt) 18 August, 22:50 2:1 Duselsieg but still win bic02 (Freigaenger_UH) 18 August, 22:49 BvB a love I was pissed off by martinez ..... has failed 2 times rasgehollt coal .... dante helps immo all ^ ^ 54, 74, 90, 2014 (Schalker_Markt) 18 August, 22:48 BvB a love ass look I just wikipedia shit DFB (Nur_der_BvB) 18 August, 22:47 bic02 is already proved by thiago DAFR but others are cut off barcafan95 18 August, 22:47 BvB a love anyway you start in this way with very different self awareness into the season inside ... a lot of shit berzeugender DFB (Nur_der_BvB) 18 August, 22:47 Since 1904, no spoiler 54, 74, 90, 2014 (Schalker_Markt) 18 August, 22:46 BvB a love To what are you? bic02 (Freigaenger_UH) 18 August, 22:46 BvB a love of the pisser I have to prove first! 'm naruto eh nich zufriedden naruto since pepe and I was always against pep shit DFB (Nur_der_BvB) 18 August, 22:46 barcafan95 on doors it might come later no longer naruto at 54, 74, 90, 2014 (Schalker_Markt) 18 August, 22:46 Ancelotti naruto Sowat I can not suffer .. barcafan95 18 August, 22:45 well, why reg I on ... nem 7:0 may also like real mikrig 2-1 win shit DFB (Nur_der_BvB) naruto 18 August, 22 45 Since 1904, jop 54, 74, 90, 2014 (Schalker_Markt) 18 August, 22:45 & nbs

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Bravo Switzerland

SVP wants mandatory language courses for children - Politically Incorrect
Blogs (English) nbc Atlas Shrugs Augean Stables Back to Iraq Blogs for Bush Blog to America Boundaries of Free Speech CAIR Watch Daniel Pipes Davids Medienkritik Debbie Schlussel EU referendum Europe News EuroPundits Flanders Fields Freedom's nbc Zone Free Republic Gates of Vienna Gateway Pundit I am a donut Instapundit Israel Israel Matzav Israel at Level Ground policy Israpundit isRealli Jewish nbc Internet Defense Force The Jewish Leadership Blog Jihad Watch Joe Settler Joels Trumpet Justify This! Life in Israel Looking at the Left Lubos Motl Luc van Braekel's Blog Melanie Philips Michael Yon Michelle Malkin World Affairs Journal Never Yet Melted nbc No Pasaran! Noisy Room Peter's blog Powerline Rape Jihad Roncesvalles Stop Ahmadinejad The Brussels Journal, The Front Line The Muqata The People's Cube The Religious Policeman The Spirit nbc of Man Torch Light Tundra Tabloids Turban Bomb irony Urban Infidel West Bank Blog Wolfgang Bruno
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Think tanks Allensbach Institute Grupo de Estudios Estratégicos I & R Institute ISHR Institute of Islamic Studies International Politics Media Tenor Naumann Foundation Project Syndicate Freedom to Washington Institute for Near East Policy nbc Zwicky Institute nbc for Strategy and Entrepreneurship (ZISU)
You can feel the gooder union Strum of indignation formally already, which is soon sweep over Switzerland. The SVP wants to let only those children go to school, the command of the German language. Parents who do not ensure that their offspring are participating in intensive courses are to lose the right of residence. Foreign language children should be encouraged linguistically intensively their classification in a school class for a maximum of one year at the public expense "And further:. If the visit does not regularly, promotion is canceled. "
Particular explosive involves the coupling of language acquisition nbc to the residence permit. The SVP tough: "Intensive language training is an integration measure. nbc For families with children unwilling to learn the residence permit shall be revoked. "
The mastery of the national language is not only a necessary step to integration. It would also help girls to be able to provide better protection against forced marriages and abuse because nbc government offers of help can be understood and perceived. Also why the proposal from the left-green do-gooders will be bitterly fought. Finally, immigrant patriarch have a right to their slave and this right to forced marriage with a lifetime rape. Where is the cultural diversity when the girls can fight against it?
An explosive proposal for elementary school also comes from Geneva. FDP National Hugues Hiltpold (39) asks in his canton foreigner quotas: a maximum nbc of three non-francophone students per class. According to "Le Matin Dimanche" he wants the idea also enforce national.
The comment on the posts do not reflect the opinion of the PI team again. We reserve the right to shorten or delete them. This also applies to comments that too much on the topic of the post deviate (OT). Commentators that violate nbc our policies will be blocked or placed nbc under moderation. We ask our readers comments relevant to report to the PI team. Comments containing more than two links automatically go into moderation. nbc Support the work of PI. Please note: The comment section is closed for 48 hours each after publication of an article. No OT in the first 10 comments!
Bravo Switzerland
Claudia F. Roth had already considered discriminatory and unacceptable that the federal government with the new immigration law requires a certain level of German knowledge of the potential ImportbräutInnen.
DAS is also not required, but Ms. Roth brings with her criticism and rejection nbc under the impression that (for Turks), the German language is not required in Germany, that it here so well able to cope with Turkish.
So they would certainly criticize such activities in relation to the training of children and refuse and rather demand that the teachers, indeed all non-Turkish-speaking inhabitants of Germany, had kindly to learn Turkish, so that the Turks at home here, accepted and not ostracized feel . # 6 zylix (May 25, 2008 11:30 AM)
Fortunately, we have in Berlin yes Kenan Kolat. By such things is not joking. That would be something like the same

Saturday, June 21, 2014

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Friday, June 20, 2014

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Thursday, June 19, 2014

By the term

Forsetzungsroman: Diez Negritos - A disgusting body (21) CULTurMAG
Home Litmag Crimemag Musikmag headings books portraits / interviews columns and topics Film / TV light years later, Carlos Zellers visual tuttojuve journey Beuse Classics do things online gallery New vocabulary I New vocabulary II New vocabulary III S. Sinatra Big Bang mystery tuttojuve Diez Negritos Highlights of the Year About Us Contacts Staff Contact Advertise Links SHOP
- 2009 began Diez Negritos to write an online crime. tuttojuve As an ironic reference to the surrealist method of cadavre exquis ("Delicious Leichhardt Took") they title their community novel "A disgusting corpse" ("Un tuttojuve cadáver asqueroso"); and actually presented tuttojuve to us in the first chapter a coroner an inexplicable disgusting corpse in a city that has the characteristics of all possible and no one is actually ...
Following the maxim of Paco Ignacio Taibo II, according tuttojuve to which anarchy is the only natural order, the novel does not follow a pre-plan and therefore we may safely with the one or other surprise expected. The authors: Diez Negritos
Ten Spanish-speaking (crime) writers have joined forces in March 2009 under the coordination of the French literary tuttojuve scholar, critic and author Sébastien Rutes to formulate a collective blog: Paco Ignacio Taibo II, Antonio Lozano, Carlos Salem, Eduardo Monteverde, tuttojuve Juan Hernández Luna , Lorenzo Lunar, Rebeca Mugra, Sébastien Rutes, Jorge Belarmino Fernández and Juan Ramón Biedma. In the summer of 2009, the Spaniard Cristina Fallarás, tuttojuve the Italian Bruno Arpaia and the Mexican Jorge Moch came to, so from the ten little niggers were thirteen. Unfortunately, the number shrank in July 2010 by the unexpected death of Juan Hernández Luna, however, again to twelve.
By the term "Diez Negritos" ("Ten Little tuttojuve Indians"), the authors play not only on the children's song, but also to the novel "Ten Little tuttojuve Niggers" by Agatha Christie. With "Negritos" are of course the author of novelas negras (crime novels) meant. The Community blog is primarily a place of discussion about crime fiction, but also on many other related topics, and is supported by the French publisher tuttojuve L'Atinoir. Running the authors publish them essays, stories, poems, photographs, drawings, paintings, comments, tuttojuve autobiographical notes ...
Everything in a double, what a shit, thought Caronte. Two bodies, two rogues, two toadies, tuttojuve flatterers and hypocrites two, two shootings, two bomb explosions ... two contemptuous eyes, hazel and blue. He looked long into those eyes, wondering that they are not turned tuttojuve away, that they challenged tuttojuve him. From her flawless beauty, he turned back to his daily bread, tuttojuve the binding, gauze, ointment, the eschar moaned verwunderterschrockenresigniert while dirty blood leaked ... no, thank God, that was no pus. The rest of the swollen mass of flesh trembled under his groping hands. He cleaned the wound edges with an iodine solution and distilled water; the mass was an "Ah" or a similar moan while, had to be a force back there the arrogant lips under the scornful eyes to kiss, as Caronte suspected, "caution" and he said a "what response you do not say "growled:
"Nonsense, old hustler," murmured the whiner with the voice of a drunk and pushed further pain sounds. He had not wanted that, they gave him a general anesthetic. Now the loudmouth have to look for yourself how it is done, thought Caronte and envied him his rush. His own he had with a few sips must fight on terror as the woman had turned up at the morgue and Bill Toledo had become the middle of his cubbyhole to the customer.
"The old fagot has saved your life, Toledo," tried the woman with the contemptuous look to convey a surprisingly obscene and for the first time on the side of the coroner. At least Caronte would have wanted to believe, as he pondered fleetingly about how it would be like if he had twenty years less on the clock. tuttojuve Probably the same way, he decided to himself: He was old, since he was a child.
Caronte said nothing on this side blow. Smooth bullet, he said again. If he believed in something, he would pray that the projectile of "Death" Zertuche has in there left no splinters, but soon he had to self-praise, because he was such a skilled surgeon. He had taken out almost all splinters. Close to the spleen. Gaaaannnnz close to it, he found the ball.
He should prepare more concerned other matters. That Rosa Carmen - he now knew that the contempt

Monday, June 16, 2014

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Friday, June 13, 2014

Varun Dhawan 'looking for Miss Right' in online dating iron man video - watch Deepika Padukone tops

Manish Malhotra has spoken about working on Katrina Kaif 's costumes in Jab Tak Hai Jaan . In a newly-released video from Yash Raj Films, the Bollywood designer reveals behind-the-scenes details of Kaif's look in the movie. Photo gallery - Katrina Kaif:
"Katrina plays a girl who lives in London. She has a Punjabi father, she is very British in the way she is and the way she has been brought up," said Malhotra. "I went to London to pick up lots of clothes. We broke the look into parts, we discussed it, then got on on trying clothes, shooting pictures and putting things together." Malhotra went on to talk about the difficulty of finding the right costume for the music video ' Ishq Shava ', filmed in Waterloo's Banksy Tunnel. "In Katrina's look there was one point in the 'Ishq Shava' song which had to be slightly off her character as Shah Rukh (Khan) took her to this slightly ghetto place," he said. "That became lots and lots of costume trails. I went to lots of vintage places like Notting Hill and picked up this red jacket that I really like." Watch the Yash Raj Films Fashion Forever video below:
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Thursday, June 12, 2014

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Katrina Kaif's sister Isabelle Kaif has no plans to enter Bollywood? - IBNLive
Mumbai : Katrina cricbuzz Kaif's sister Isabelle who makes her acting debut in Jean-François Pouliot's "Dr. Cabbie", a film about an Indian doctor moonlighting as a taxi driver in the US, is said to have given up plans of pursuing a Bollywood cricbuzz career.
"It was felt by Katrina that the two sisters with similar personalities in the same entertainment industry cricbuzz can never work for the younger sister. Katrina doesn't want Isabelle to end up being the poor man's Katrina. The two sisters will pursue their acting careers in mutually exclusive domains," the source added.
"Isabelle took on 'Dr. Cabbie' as a starter because it was not really an Indian film but a Canadian project. Although cricbuzz the title role is played by Vinay Virmani and Isabelle is not cast opposite him, she loved the script and wanted to be part of it.
Isabelle's co-star Vinay Virmani from 'Dr. Cabbie' cricbuzz is all praise for her. "Isabelle is very good in the film. She has all the star qualities of Katrina, cricbuzz plus the advantage of being in no hurry to become a star," he said.
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Wednesday, June 11, 2014

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What was cute though, was that the couple 4share who shy away from the public in India, walked hand-

Neha Sharma in Shruti Sheth
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Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif are in Cape Town, shooting for Ranbir's ambitious home production, Jagga Jasoos. However, the love birds apparently found some time to do a little shopping before they got busy with the actual shoot. Their first stop was the 'Vans' 4share store where Ranbir and Katrina shopped for caps. Not surprising this, given that Kapoor junior is a major cap fan. Once done here, they headed towards an ice cream parlor where the hottest couple of B-town enjoyed some cool and scrumptious ice-cream.
What was cute though, was that the couple 4share who shy away from the public in India, walked hand-in-hand, enjoying the bliss of being unknown in a foreign city. Well, not for long though, as a fan spotted them and shared the pictures.
Comment: * Allowed HTML tags: <a> <em> <strong> <cite> <code> <ul> <ol> <li> <dl> <dt> <dd> Lines and paragraphs break automatically. Web page addresses and e-mail addresses 4share turn into links automatically. Images can be added to this post.
What am i hearing ??? Stardust editor Ram Kamal Mukherjee got Ranbir and Katrina engaged and Neetu and Rishi Kapoor dont even know when how and are equally perplexed :D They in Amritsar presently. Tomorrow that rumour queen Subhash Jha will start giving juicy interviews to television channels regarding this development . PV plz post this.
Deepika is talking because 4share she was asked about it. Had she not answered the question, I am sure you would have commented saying she was being a hypocrite. Isn't it refreshing to see actresses like Deepika or Kareena not afraid to speak of their love, past or present? Give credit where credit is due...
This is not the first time Deepika break up! she has many ex boyfriend before Ranbir to talk about~! but why she always talking about Ranbir only? because she know who the one she can do for her fame..! fact
where was ur deepika's confidence and dareness while asking about her link up with uvraj,dhoni,sirth mallya and nihar.why doesnt she talk about them n never admitted those link up but spotted with them all bar,partyies and verywhere?ohhhh take time n find some lame excuses
Ranbir and Katrina 4share were spotted cosying up again yesterday that's Sunday by a South African and she posted pics on twitter. After a while it said sorry link does not exist. That's strange. One hand PR leaks photos and other hand if fan's catch them on cam unguarded they block. Pv plz post this.
to the people saying they dont even look in love, do couples have to always stare at each with gaga eyes, and constantly hug to prove to the world they are together? NO! they have been together for a while now, and kareena on kofee with karan proved it! this is what mature, comfortable adults do in relationships. 4share they are casually holding hands which shows how comfortable they are with each other.
Unfortunately rankat pics are always creating more buzz than their respective 4share films. The excitement of the actual 4share film and also ranbir's talent (kat sorry no talent as an actor) gets overshadowed by controversies and rumours. By the time the film releases it loses it's fizz. He is such a talented actor otherwise. If stars think such publicity 4share will garner more crowds to the theatres they are definitely very wrong. With such PR stunts audiences 4share would have speculated their personal lives enough and the content , hard work of just not the actors but all professionals involved instead goes down the drain. Really like the way BV is keeping the guard and excitement. Its a BV versus JJ situation now. Pinkvilla plz post
Reply 40   36   4share 1 week ago
Somehow the tall, lanky physique Ranbir has works with the curvy figure that Katrina has. They are a sexy pair. Cannot wait for the JJ promotions. It's so funny how all the RKDP shippers and Ranbir fans who don't like Katrina believe that she lured him when in fact it was always Ranbir who was making it clear he was attracted to her. It was he who said he had a poster of Katrina in his cupboard, it was he who would stare at her nonstop during the APKGK and Raajneeti promotions and press conferences, and it was always Ranbir who would f