Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The efficacy of capsaicin cream (

How effective are selected medication from the pharmacy? Is there convincing ps4 data on the efficacy of herbal medicines? When to natural remedies work? As it is with the effects of vitamins and minerals? The following contributions Rate medicines ps4 and natural remedies on the basis of recent scientific publications.
Can a topical preparation with capsaicin relieve chronic pain in neuropathic and musculoskeletal diseases? Background capsaicin is applied externally as a cream or patch for the treatment of chronic neuropathic pain. Even with muscle ps4 pain and muscle tension especially ps4 at the cervical ps4 and lumbar spine is capsaicin used. Capsaicin, an ingredient of cayenne pepper, binds to the pain receptors in the skin and temporarily reduces the density of nerve fibers. After prolonged local application on the skin produces ps4 a lasting desensitization. Capsaicin is as 0.025-0.075% cream (use 3-4 times / day) or as 8% sodium patch for single use in trade (brand name such as: Finalgon Capsicum cream, hot thermal dura C, Qutenza ). What is neuropathic pain? Neuropathic pain is a pain that is triggered or caused by lesions ps4 or dysfunction of the nervous system. In neuropathic pain, therefore the pain-conducting system itself is faulty. The herpes zoster related postherpetic neuralgia is one of the neuropathic pain. Trigeminal neuralgia is a prototype of neuropathic ps4 pain. Also, the phantom pain after amputation belongs to this group. Even herniated discs can sometimes lead to neuropathic ps4 pain in the long term. What diseases are among the musculoskeletal diseases? In Germany, around ps4 30 million people suffer from the so-called musculoskeletal disorders, which in addition to osteoarthritis ps4 and osteoporosis back pain, rheumatic diseases, and sports and accident injuries. Meta-analyzes on the effectiveness of capsaicin early as 2004, were in a meta-analysis of 16 trials involving 1559 patients analyzed in terms of the effectiveness of capsaicin (1). Among the diseases in which topical capsaicin had proven in placebo-controlled trials to be effective, including diabetic neuropathy, postherpetic neuropathy which, postoperative ps4 pain and Guillain-Barré syndromes. In some controlled studies, ps4 the pain in the capsaicin group compared with placebo ps4 could be reduced significantly, ps4 both after 4 and after 8 weeks treatment. In the follow-up showed that the analgesic effect lasted on average an additional 4 to 8 weeks. ps4 The results of this meta-analysis confirm an already published in 1994 review article on the efficacy of capsaicin (1).
The efficacy of capsaicin cream (<1%) was re-evaluated in 2012 in a Cochrane meta-analysis (3). The analysis was based six studies ps4 (389 participants in total), in which the regular use of low-dose (0.075%) capsaicin cream was compared with placebo cream. There were significant differences in the results, probably as a consequence of the small number of patients and different pain conditions which were investigated. Also, the studies were different definitions of "clinical success" is based. Only two studies included data based on the internationally accepted primary endpoint of at least 50% pain relief. According to the authors, the study did not have sufficient data to draw any firm conclusions on the effectiveness of low concentrations of capsaicin cream in the treatment of neuropathic pain. The present data suggest that topical capsaicin in low concentration has no significant additional effect on the with the placebo cream observable effect also. According to the authors, it is unlikely that topical capsaicin useful applications in clinical practice would have a low concentration (3). In another Cochrane review article from the year 2013 on the efficacy of high-dose capsaicin (8%) in neuropathic pain six trials ps4 involving 2073 participants were analyzed (4). The studies ps4 were generally of good methodological quality. To maintain blinding was used as a control treatment, a very low-concentration topical capsaicin. In four of these studies ps4 with a total of 1,272 patients were treated Postzosterschmerzen. In all studies, highly concentrated capsaicin (8% strength) was significantly better than the control application. Both after 8 and 12 weeks, there was much or very much better than in the control group, significantly more patients treated with capsaicin. E

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