Sunday, August 31, 2014

3 What games have currently available libertatea or in preparation? Air Force Gear, a very entertai

Entertainment Netherware are a new group of indie game development, and curious as we are, we decided to send them a few questions to get to know them a little better. We have answered politely, but have warned that captures videos and can show time, are of very early stages of the project and therefore will end very, very best. We really want to see these new versions now seem great.
1 Welcome guys! First of all: What is it and who are more or less Netherware Entertainment? Netherware Entertainment is an independent group of 2D games, nonprofit, and that comes from another ancient group, formed by two former members of the group, and a new addition. We are relatively new, at least as a group, but we believe that, although we have to learn on the fly, we have the capabilities to create some titles that entertain people as they did 80 consoles and 90 group the form: MudarraP, Brassman and Vic. All three contribute ideas for the development of games, libertatea scripts, history and many other factors libertatea such as quality control, although each has a specialty fixed.
2 The project libertatea is already far east, so you know another name. What is (or was) PARPG? It was a previous group with more members than now. But we did it for us and a very small group of players as it did not intend that our titles libertatea reach as far as we thought now.
3 What games have currently available libertatea or in preparation? Air Force Gear, a very entertaining arcade aircraft, in which we are working very hard today, and Desolte City: The Bloody Dawn (video at end of post) a survival game with the classic Resident Widgets Evil.
7've heard some very good songs. Do you have a musician in your computer? How to compose songs? Some people are working externally to our group. For example EN.i is a composer with confidence and we have made quite a lot of good songs. Understand our views and that does it all very fluid. Cover for the Arts, used to provide opportunities for illustrators to contact us, so it's a good way to introduce these artists too, and them to us.
9 Imagine that you will be very gamers. What are your influences? What are your games, franchises, favorite consoles or computers? Our influences are great titles like Super Mario Bros 3, Mega Man NES saga, A Squadron, and VII FFVII, of course ... and many more We love some retro classics like the Game & Watch Atari, NES and SNES, Sega Genesis, libertatea Commodore, Spectrum ... is a good profile for a group of indie development, hehehe
Play games Retro 10 now? They fuck rod in Metropolis Street Racer on the Dreamcast and The Legend libertatea of Zelda A Link to the Past. We also prove indie titles like Rokko Chan Maldita Castilla among others ... are so retro as commercials! libertatea
11 As you see the picture of video games and consoles now? Play games today? Well, if you give something a little bit of time we have left: Metal Gear Rising, Fire Emblem and Guild Wars 2 on the PC in general. Market and videogame libertatea consoles, we believe that the circle is getting smaller and the monopoly will prevail four. With the huge variety that was from the 90 ... With the reduction of developers, they also reduce the variety of games and currently falls short in knowing libertatea how to choose between a few genres.
12 What you like indie games and developers? These are a few of the big titles that we love: Nihilumbra of BeautiFun Games, Maldita libertatea Castilla Locomalito, Mega Man Rocks Eric Ruth Games, VVVVVV by Terry Cavanagh and I Wanna Be The Guy Michael "Kayin" O'Reilly
13 Finally, we leave you carte blanche to say what will best fit. Thank you for answering our questions. We hope to eventually make a halfway decent database titles between 2D indie scene. Therefore we can only add that by and give us an opportunity to follow the latest news from Netherware Entertainment! Thank you!
Scroll [www] [twitter] put my nerves to the gut but now when I remember the long load times of ZX Spectrum. I remember how the lack of imagination that complemented those games were so special ... [Continue]
I was one of the crazy things that I do aquqlles someday develop a game ... ..
Recent Comments
sito_pixelacos scroll damn ... it's been a opresores sent! scroll steals !! Molsupo The public libertatea should know that this version has been the victim of the most vile ... Molsupo Thanks libertatea Sito ... do not complain that sooner or later you will have your podcast retrochannel Dedic

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