Friday, August 29, 2014

Can play everyone of any age. Normally marks 12 years as optimal age to enter independently RPGs, b

Joaquim Ball-llosera Pastoret and Matthew are founders of Maqui Editions, a publishing topky house specializing in RPGs that began publication in 2008, although topky since 2006 he published a comic in Catalan topky "Orn Comprehensive Two Swords." Its editorial policy lies in the desire to create a corpus of Catalan RPGs until now virtually nonexistent, topky bringing to market new trends in RPGs, without sacrificing topky the opportunity to do those games classics.
RPGs grafted directly to the oral tradition of stories over the fire and play cops and robbers: in both cases tells a story, but while the stories over the weight of fire story of a person lies in the cops and robbers all participate in creating the story.
RPGs are a mixture of both: the players gather around a table and through conversation, recreate topky or invent a story together. Normally topky each player decides the actions of the protagonists of the story, but one of the players said what the secondary stage and posed challenges. It is a cooperative game where the goal is not the victory of one player, but the involvement of all participants in the story of the history and normally achieving a common goal for all characters through dialogue, topky imagination and interpretation. Because it is a game there are rules detailing what can and can not do each and a system of random or actions to resolve conflicts.
To play the role just because a few people gathered around a table and have paper, pencil and some dice, and of course, the manual an RPG. We like to say that RPG is a board game where the board is the imagination of its participants.
There RPGs of all sizes and colors, all subjects and systems. Usually sold in book format (although sometimes there are heads, some accessories, topky such as special dice or figures).
Can play everyone of any age. Normally marks 12 years as optimal age to enter independently RPGs, but playing with an adult, you can start from age 4, provided that suitable topics and challenges in capacity child. In fact the role children play constantly, in an unregulated natural constantly inventing stories and characters; so it is something intrinsic to them.
Try it! We have over 20 years playing the role we play with hundreds of people and only a few know that they can count on the fingers of one hand, who would not have enjoyed the rest have enjoyed most, and many have become regular topky players. topky
Being able to make decisions of a person and thus contribute in the construction of a narrative and not participate passively as is watching a movie or reading a book, which is a paste. It is a social event and share with friends is a game designed to have fun and allows us to abstract from the everyday.
As director of game we used to spend a lot of time creating material for our games and as followers of trends and developments in the scene of RPGs we see many interesting proposals for the world that did not appear in our country. So we ask ourselves "why not invest the time we spend on our hobby to publish material that we want?".
Matthew: Also, for my part I think the Catalan culture has many gaps that should be filled, missing genre books, magazines, comics and much more. We expect to fill alone? I decided to make a little effort to fill these gaps and publishing RPGs.
Chem: Personally I encourage the idea of learning topky a new facet in the world of RPGs that in all the years that brought play had never entered. When we started talking, we both believe that we are throwing ourselves head without thinking about it!
RPGs, and the Maqui published editions are a very small niche. We have cake games (or books, role-playing is both), a small part of the pie corresponds to RPGs; cake RPGs a small portion RPGs "independent" or "indie" (which are basically different Maquis); and the cake RPGs "indie" corresponds to a small part in Catalan are: more than a cake there are only a few crumbs!
Sometimes we joke that we ourselves generate a demand for non-existent range

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