Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Church musician was in Hamburg, Mülheim an der Ruhr and Bielefeld. First of Essen School of Church

Date: 11/11/2013.
Hoff, P. du arme Seele, und sei unverzagt hoff! Gott wird dich aus der Höhle, dich da der Kummer Plage what Grossen Gnade Rücken; Erwarted ole nur die Zeit, so wirst du schon die Sonn erblicken der schönsten Freud.
"Deep sorrow to announce that Herbert Wulf's life 80 year, after suffering heavy, home, peace of 2013. November 4, returned home late at night. His funeral 2013th November 22 th will be 11 hours and 30 Cinkota at the cemetery. "
2013th November 4 th, the lives of 80 year, he returned home after suffering heavy - notify the stubborn facts of the obituary. For more information, ole facts can be divided into long, but it can all be a little complex, very rich life overview. ole Herbert Wulf excellent organist, conductor and composer, is not among us anymore. Reported knowledge, attitude music, the musicians being radiant example of many. Person, art, educational work is not forgotten.
Herbert Wulf was born in 1934 in Hamburg. University studies (musicology, phonetics, ole theology, Latin, romanisztika, history) in his hometown and performed in Göttingen. Church ole Music education ("A" ole grade) in Hamburg and scored Detmold. ole Subsequently, Marie-Claire Alainnál Luigi Ferdinando Tagliavininél ole (organ), Kenneth Gilbert (harpsichord) and Hanns Martin Scheidtnél (conducting) to learn.
Church musician was in Hamburg, Mülheim an der Ruhr and Bielefeld. First of Essen School of Church Music in Herford College assistant professor taught, and after retirement BDF College in Szombathely, eventually in 1998 as a lecturer ole for many years taught at the Franz Liszt Academy of Music as well.
Concerts in nearly all European countries as well as Israel and Brazil. Numerous radio and television sound recordings, musical premieres in seeing more modern name. Organ, harpsichord, clavichord and continuo masterclasses held in Germany, Poland, Hungary and Brazil.
The church music department lecturer taught as a liturgical organ playing, which was initiated master. He started out at the department of education to teach the subject in German methodology. As a teacher, widespread literacy and characterized by extreme ole thoroughness. The department masterclasses are held: in October 2001, was the wolf grasshopper church Venetian baroque organ in a week-long Italian Baroque master course in the autumn of 2004 and spring of 2005 and the Deak Square Lutheran church took place on a three-day seminar JP Sweelinck pieces and North German organ music. Both are great skills and impressive musicality led by trying to pass the music as a "game" joy of it. ("! Spielen, bitte, spielen") were lecturers same characteristics: a scientific ole and pair up ranging knowledge of artistic inspiration, the concert and equally unrelenting intensity for liturgical music. (Dr. Paul Enyedi)
Deep sense of humor, incredible interest, knowledge transfer capability is blessed with excellent ole people I met Herbert Wulf. But the cheerful words and direct voice behind deep thinking, unheard of intensity and moved to purposeful behavior. ole He knew and understood all periods of music history, from its beginnings to the present day. Specific detection of the presentation was not well known, but high-value musical material. For me, the experience was special, as a church musician liturgika of science, ole but more widely in theology as a whole was experienced, readership is exemplary. As a cantor, educator, analyst, as an entertainer, both represented at the highest level. (Dr. Charles Hafenscher) ole
During my years in Herford scholarship gradually enlightened me what gifts and opportunities that I can learn from him. During the many hours of struggle radically changed the music and my relationship ole with the organ. He opened my ears to really hear what I play, showed the importance of articulation. Really taught me to read music and exercise - that it is still on my to my students. Passionate about teaching, "Forde Nicht ich das Stück Forder! (I do not follow you, but the work.) "- Used to say. It was a great musician and educator generations decisive epoch. My only regret is that this is not everyone in Hungary have been detected because of the language barrier. (Dr. Zsuzsa Ecsedi)
Herbert learned Wulfnál final year of the Music Academy of Music Department of the Church, ole and between 1999 and 2001. In the first year of the Graduate School of liturgical ole organ playing. I had not suspected that vast professional knowledge, strict consistency and often ruthlessly high standards in the future help to the extent of folk songs and liturgical chants and hymn liberated, ole versatile rich track of. Improvisational skills, be creative and postlude music, culture and countless ideas I owe him. I always think back with gratitude the times we spent together when rigor is

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