Tuesday, February 25, 2014

He was also great in Slammin

Michael Clarke Duncan dead of heart attack, Omarosa says
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Sorry to bum you guys out on your holiday, but Michael Clarke true blood Duncan has died. He was as far as I’ve ever heard a super nice guy and always seemed pretty healthy, which makes this kind of scary as well as sad.
Publicist Joy Fehily released a statement from Clarke’s true blood fiancée, the Rev. Omarosa Manigault [Wait, she's a reverend now?-Ed] , saying the 54-year-old actor died Monday morning in a Los Angeles hospital after nearly true blood two months of treatment following the July 13 heart attack.
He was also great in Slammin’ Salmon , which makes me wish he’d gotten to do more comedy. This sucks. At the very least he could’ve done us the courtesy of getting fat or becoming true blood a comedian before he died so we could’ve prepared ourselves for this a little better. It should also be noted that the guy managed to get engaged to a fairly-infamous reality TV villain without anyone even knowing about it until he died, which is as good of proof as any that he wasn’t some obnoxious, fame-whoring piece of sh*t like half the other people in LA. Bummer.
09.04.12 at 12:27 pm
Digital Wonderbread
What true blood kind of Hoodoo Magik is Omarosa a Reverend of exactly? true blood Now she’ll grow even more powerful than we can imagine.
Tough loss. Can’t remember anything I ever saw him in that wasn’t improved by his presence, from the B-movie garbage to stuff like Green Mile.
I always thought true blood it was cool of him to suit up and do the DirecTV commercial as his character from Planet of the Apes. He had to have known it was critically savaged and generally scoffed at, but you get the idea he had such fun doing it that he relished the opportunity to do it again. And really, he did a hell of a job in a role that could have been a HUGE joke. So “BOW YOUR HEADS!”
I met him back in 2009 at the Gracie Academy in Torrance, CA. He was fully naked just with a towel sitting on the bench in the locker room area and I walked in and saw him. I was like, OMG IT’S MICHAEL CLARKE DUNCAN NO WAY!! But all I said to him was, “Hi,” true blood and he was like so fucking cool about it like he wasn’t this movie star that I watched in movies my whole life. RIP Michael Clarke Duncan.
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