Currently, the universe consisted of a hundred billion yt galaxies, he was the galaxies during galaxy. Space is vast, far flung The universe is so large, with a radius of no less than 13,700 million yt light years of stars within galaxies, each consisting of a large number yt of our earth as a planet. Asthma, one of the Solar System yt , A member of our Galaxy. Big Bang is a theory that describes the strong explosion that makes energy. One change is a substance evolves continuously until a nebula, yt galaxies, stars, solar system, Earth, Moon, and various creatures present yt in the universe (Universe) is a combination of a galaxy that has a very vast territory. Believed that the universe has galaxies included about. Galaxy 10,000,000,000 (ten billion galaxies), each of which consist of a spherical galaxy (Stars) clusters yt (Star clusters) yt Nebula (Nebulae) or mist fire. Cosmic Dust (Cosmic dust), and the gas is put together.
The beginning of the universe means nothing existed before it. After that point, things started to appear saying that the baby was "born from the same'' does not exist. Available with the advent of the objects on the sky as the origin of the solar system, the origins of disease. Interstellar origin And the origin of galaxies, etc. The origin of the condensation of dust. In fact, not only the solar system, stars and galaxies only. Even the baby was born from a combination of mass spectrometry in the world, yt including atomic and molecular compound forms by combining different. Showed that the mass was previously available. This would still be the same, but change the pattern of aggregation only. The source or origin, the universe is. The universe is made up of all that is around us, stars, nebulae and galaxies, the sun, earth, and so on. Universe has its origins as the world or not. Before the universe was not in existence yt at one point, but after that time it is the universe appears for the stars before the stars are born. That make up the stellar mass in the form of atoms and molecules.
For the universe, yt then there is nothing to support these atoms and molecules, atoms and molecules, these came from. Still the next issue There are many different opinions about the origin the universe to the present, it also has limitations. No clear conclusions and theories But the most accepted theory is that a large explosion (big-bang theory the big bang theory) by Matt Lake George (G.Lemaitre) says. In the past, the universe is a sphere yt diameter of about 6,400 kilometers (4,000 mi), Matt Chandler, called the sphere as the origin of this substance. "Primeval atom" (Primeval Atom) giant atomic weight is approximately $ 2 billion.
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