Sunday, February 16, 2014

Two. Temperature xbox of the cosmic background in the 2508 Arnold Alpensia and Robert Wilson, Ameri

Everything must be in the whole universe
One. Universe is energy under high temperature 2. Caused the big bang or a big explosion. An explosion under very high temperatures. Energy transforms into matter, the first time. Texture occurs in the form of elementary particles called quarks (quark) electrons (electron) to New Reno (neutrino) and photons (photon), which is energy. Meanwhile, the anti-particle (Antiparticle) with the opposite electrical charge. Except New River Casino and Antigua to New Reno without charge. During the Big Bang, the temperature around 1032 Kelvin, but during the particle and anti-particle has a temperature of about 1027 Kelvin. 3 anti-particle with the same kind of particles are fused together. If a particle and anti-particle are limited. Equally fit mass is converted into energy exhausted. However, because the particles are greater than the amount of the anti-particle to particle energy then left the origination of the universe with matter.
. 4 only 1,026 seconds after the big bang, the temperature of the universe dropped to 1,013 Kelvin xbox made the quarks. Incorporation xbox into a proton (Nuclei of hydrogen) and neutrons. 5 after the Big Bang, 3 minutes, the temperature of the universe dropped to 108 Kelvin protons and neutrons have assembled a nucleus of helium in the beginning the universe was expanding fast. 6 back. BIGBANG 300,000 annual temperature decreased to 104 K, the nuclei of hydrogen and helium nuclei, electrons are pulled xbox into the orbit. Born into atoms of hydrogen and helium atoms. 7 1,000 million years after the Big Bang, galaxies were born. Within galaxies with gaseous hydrogen and helium in the primary, which is conceived as a star in the first version. Hydrogen and helium are the most abundant xbox element in the universe, present in a ratio of 3: 1 until now. And gas within galaxies are gathered together by gravity, generating a large number of stars.
Another idea is proposed to explain the origin and evolution of the universe suggests xbox that the universe has not changed, even the stars, galaxies, steady state will be extinct. , It has stars and galaxies formed replacement. xbox This theory was later less popular. xbox Most scientists to believe the Big Bang. The testimony as follows:
One. Expansion of the Universe Edwin Powell Hubble, the American astronomer discovered. Galaxies are moving further away with increasing speed by distance. Distant galaxies moving away faster than nearby galaxies show that the universe is expanding, the Big Bang theory. The expansion of the universe causes the density of the universe decreases. xbox That is, the universe can not maintain a steady state. Objections to the theory of steady state Therefore, the theoretical steady decline in popularity. Of knowledge about the expansion of the universe itself. Allows astronomers to calculate the age of the universe.
Two. Temperature xbox of the cosmic background in the 2508 Arnold Alpensia and Robert Wilson, American scientists have discovered the temperature of the cosmic background temperature or by chance. While testing the receiver of the radio telescope. It appears that there is noise all the time. Although it changed direction and clean the antenna already. Later discovered to be the signal for the rest of the space is comparable to the energy. Radiation of a black body at a temperature of about 3 Kelvin, or about 2270 C, which corresponds to the value that was calculated by the Big Bang. Meanwhile, Robert Dickerson Peebles, David Carroll xbox and David Wilkinson of Princeton University, Wilson predicted that radiation from the Big Bang to the present. be monitored xbox using radio telescopes. It is the support of Edwin Powell Hubble.
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