Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier (Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier (1768-1830 participated in the French Revolution and like many other revolutionaries sent to the guillotine. Luckily for us, his life was saved because few beheaded him as the man who sent him to the guillotine, Robespierre. Fourier wasted life he received, he accompanied Napoleon on his travels, and was governor of Egypt, after its occupation by Napoleon.
The main contribution for us, is to develop a mathematical tool called Fourier transform, Fourier transform, which allows to represent different forms as a combination of other forms. Useful to introduce a function variable with time, for example, sound or melody, as a combination of individual frequencies. The sound of a tuning fork - the fork-like tool used to adjust vidtomp3 the instrument - looks like a picture of waves in a puddle quiet stone cast into small uniform harmonic motion, wave rising wave down, at a constant rate, frequency is readily vidtomp3 identifiable. Transformation Fourier representation is by two numeric values, one - the frequency of the wave and the second - the intensity of the wave or height. Tuning fork produces the basic shape of a character. Contrast Stradivarius violin expensive and famous, produces sound varied and complex waveform simplest added additional waves. using Fourier analysis confirms the intuition - the sound of Stradivarius richer, is composed of a large and diverse collection of sounds, sound of the violin cheap. vidtomp3
One way to diversify the sound is a combination of several vidtomp3 tools, even if similar. Many violins playing at the same time the same melody give not only increased volume, greater energy of the music, but especially "deep" sound. Depth of sound from the fact that fiddler is just and balanced listener in a different direction. The sound produced by a violin one comes shortly before vidtomp3 or shortly after the sound produced by a friend, onboard sound different from the sound source. Getting back into the puddle, playing two instruments simultaneously, vidtomp3 similar to the projection of the two stones vidtomp3 into the water. Shows the water is not just a combination of two waves, but a wave of pursuing a wave, one slightly ahead of, the other slightly retarded, we can see more small waves combined wave riders chief human ear now feels more varied sound.
Advanced sound vibrations in the air in the form of air particles, fluctuations reflected vidtomp3 changes vidtomp3 in pressure. The human ear is capable decoder pressure changes the rate or frequency of 20 to 20,000 vibrations per second.
If we remove the speaker cover fabric on the front, we can see the source of the sounds - Oscillating Diaphragm. When we notice the slow traffic movement, it happens while playing bass, low frequency sounds, a few dozen oscillations per second. Actually see the voices.
Ear speaker is built in a similar way, just opposite functions. We have a diaphragm called the "tympanic membrane" and that keeps track of fluctuations in air. Vibrations of the eardrum are transferred hairs shaped sensory organs located in the inner parts of the ear.
This is similar to what happens to the car to travel vidtomp3 the teacher, such as broadband - slowing. Slow ride the vehicle vidtomp3 follows just after a stripe - the slowdown, vidtomp3 but in rapid, if not high hurdle, springs and shock absorbers absorb the movement. If a high hurdle, they come to the end of their range of movement. The car will move off the assembly downturn vidtomp3 will be felt shock, all of which can shake shakes - show more fluctuations. Built in the ear, just where its diagnosis capability small, the sound is modified and get more shade, the shock of a strong vidtomp3 voice makes various sounds, but parallel decreases the ability to distinguish between different frequencies
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